
Sai Praneth K

Full Stack Web & Data Developer
Hello! I'm CuriousAvenger, a freshman at the University of California, Berkeley, intending to major in Astrophysics and minor in Computer Science. My interests span a wide range, from Astrophysics, particularly focusing on the study of black holes, physical cosmology, and quantum mechanics, to Computer Science, with a keen interest in AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity.

During high school, I was a part of the Varsity tennis team, and I'm also an active volunteer in a non-profit organization called STEM League. In this role, I've had the opportunity to teach coding in data development and web development to around 15-20 students. At the university, I'm involved in the Berke1337 cybersecurity club, which is home to the 0ski CTF team. Additionally, I'm a member of the rocketry club called STAR, known for its extensive and successful launch history in Berkeley. Within STAR, I specialize in Avionics, working on the software side of rocket launches and data acquisition. Feel free to check out my resume for more details about my hobbies and experiences.

What I do

From a young age, I have always been fascinated by the philosophical question: Why is there something rather than nothing? Is our universe real? Is there life after death? Does God exist? These questions prompted me into the field of astrophysics where I found concepts quite unlike what reality is used to: the bending of space and time, the inevitable black hole, and the boundless expansion of the universe. As I delved deeper into this field, I only realized that knowledge is abundant and yet to be uncovered as Sir Issac Newton said, "myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me." My passion and curiosity have guided me in doing self-research and studying these topics, as evidenced by my blogs. I firmly believe that the field of astrophysics holds the true purpose of bringing me closer to discovering the secrets of the universe.


For data analysis, I mostly use Python with numpy, pandas, and matplotlib. Python was my game changer as I progressed from simple or intermediate projects to larger and more complex projects.

C & C++

C and C++ were my first programming languages, and they were arguably the most difficult to learn over the course of my ten years. My knowledge ranges from intermediate to advanced.

HTML, CSS & Javascript

HTML, CSS, and Javascript are all examples of markup languages. I learned these programming languages in order to create my own website and to teach other children in a STEM League volunteer program.


Java. Java was taught to me as part of my AP Computer Science A class. I self-studied for this class and received a 5 on the AP exam. My knowledge of object oreientation is extensive.

Keras - AI

Keras. Keras is an artificial intelligence module that works with Python to power several of my projects such as stock predictors, chess bots, real time translators, and speech recognition.

Flutter & Firebase

Firebase and Flutter. In addition, I am the lead mobile and web developer for Vonette Organization, which is creating software to improve communication between students and teachers.

Linux & Unix

Unix and Linux. For the longest time, I was interested in cybersecurity, which led me to learn Linux and Unix systems, as well as the majority of cybersecurity tools.


Latest Blog Posts

Quantum Tennis

Ever wanted to teleport, walk through walls, or have your clones? Because in this article we will go over objects that possess such characteristics; objects that you encounter every single day, even right now.

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Quantum Field Theory

In today's article, we will be attempting to understand the Quantum Field Theory. As an overview, Quantum Physics is a fundamental theory that describes the physical properties of nature at the atomic and subatomic scale.

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Higgs Boson

If you are a particle physics enthusiast, then you very well remember the year 2012. It was the time when CERN scientists confirmed the detection of the long-sought Higgs boson, also known by its nickname the "God Particle", at the LHC.

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